How To Make Patties From Puff Pastry

How To Make Patties From <a href="">Puff Pastry</a>

How To Make Patties From Puff Pastry

How To Make Patties From Puff Pastry

Puff pastry is a versatile and delicious ingredient that can be used to create a variety of sweet and savory dishes. One popular use for puff pastry is to make patties, which are perfect for a quick and satisfying meal. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making patties from puff pastry, providing you with a cooking guide and some tasty pastry recipes to try.

Cooking Guide: Making Patties from Puff Pastry

Follow these simple steps to create delicious patties using puff pastry:

  • Step 1: Preheat your oven to the temperature specified in your puff pastry package instructions.
  • Step 2: Roll out the puff pastry on a lightly floured surface to your desired thickness. Thicker pastry will result in a more substantial patty, while thinner pastry will be lighter and crispier.
  • Step 3: Cut the rolled-out pastry into circles or squares, depending on your preference and the shape of your patties.
  • Step 4: Place your chosen filling in the center of each pastry shape. This can be anything from minced meat and vegetables to cheese and herbs.
  • Step 5: Fold the pastry over the filling to create a half-moon shape. Press the edges together firmly to seal the patty.
  • Step 6: Use a fork to crimp the edges of the pastry, creating a decorative pattern and ensuring a secure seal.
  • Step 7: Place the patties on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, leaving some space between each patty to allow for expansion.
  • Step 8: Brush the tops of the patties with beaten egg or milk to give them a golden and glossy finish.
  • Step 9: Bake the patties in the preheated oven for the time specified on your puff pastry package instructions, or until they are puffed up and golden brown.
  • Step 10: Remove the patties from the oven and allow them to cool slightly before serving. Enjoy your homemade puff pastry patties!
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Pastry Recipes: Delicious Fillings for Patties

Now that you know how to make patties from puff pastry, let’s explore some tasty filling ideas:

  • 1. Classic Beef and Vegetable: Combine minced beef, diced carrots, peas, onions, and seasonings for a traditional and hearty filling.
  • 2. Spinach and Feta: Sauté spinach with garlic, then mix it with crumbled feta cheese for a flavorful and vegetarian option.
  • 3. Chicken and Mushroom: Cook chicken breast and mushrooms with herbs and spices, then shred the chicken and combine it with the mushrooms for a savory filling.
  • 4. Ham and Cheese: Layer sliced ham and your favorite cheese, such as cheddar or Swiss, for a simple yet delicious combination.
  • 5. Apple and Cinnamon: Toss thinly sliced apples with cinnamon and sugar, then bake them until tender for a sweet and comforting filling.


Making patties from puff pastry is a straightforward process that allows you to create a variety of delicious and satisfying meals. By following our cooking guide and experimenting with different fillings, you can enjoy homemade puff pastry patties that are sure to impress your family and friends. So, roll out that puff pastry, get creative with your fillings, and enjoy the delightful combination of flaky pastry and flavorful fillings!

Recipe: How To Make Patties From Puff Pastry


  • 1 package of puff pastry
  • Choice of filling (e.g., minced meat, vegetables, cheese, etc.)
  • 1 egg or milk, beaten (for egg wash)


  1. Preheat your oven to the temperature specified in your puff pastry package instructions.
  2. Roll out the puff pastry on a lightly floured surface to your desired thickness.
  3. Cut the rolled-out pastry into circles or squares.
  4. Place your chosen filling in the center of each pastry shape.
  5. Fold the pastry over the filling to create a half-moon shape. Press the edges together firmly to seal the patty.
  6. Use a fork to crimp the edges of the pastry.
  7. Place the patties on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  8. Brush the tops of the patties with beaten egg or milk.
  9. Bake the patties in the preheated oven for the time specified on your puff pastry package instructions, or until they are puffed up and golden brown.
  10. Remove the patties from the oven and allow them to cool slightly before serving.
See also  How To Form Beef Patties

Enjoy your homemade puff pastry patties!

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